BFEE Board of Trustees

SealThe Foundation is represented by a Board of Trustees. Each member pledges to keep to the Mission and strive to obtain the goals of the organization.

William Gray- President

Linda Hamann - Treasurer 

Judy Laberdee - Vice President  

Chelsea Wyse - Secretary 

Gary Holmes - Trustee

Audra Leader - Trustee

Vicki Lombard - Trustee

Heather Marks - Trustee

Jana Martin- Trustee

Linda Mueller - Trustee

Jodie Paster - Trustee

Emily Quinton - Trustee

Art Weeber - Trustee 


Please direct all of your B.F.E.E. questions and comments to us through this email:








BFEE Fundraising

The Foundation holds yearly fundraising campaigns that directly enhance the learning opportunities for the students of our community.

Thanks to the support and generosity of individuals, businesses, and organizaitons, the Foundation remains deeply engaged in its mission for educational excellence.

To make your tax-deductible gift of any amount, please make check payable to: Blissfield Foundation for Educational Excellence, Blissfield Community Schools, 630 S. Lane St., Blissfield, MI 49228

BFEE is a 501 (c) (3) organization.

Click here for a printable Donor Card.

Gift Levels

Royal Founder $500 & above
Royal Patron $250 - $499 
Royal Contributor $100-$249 
Royal Friend- $25- $99